Vatican II is the operating system of the Novus Ordo – it must be destroyed!

Cancel Vatican II. Condemn it as heresy. Take all the documents, dump them in the middle of Piazza San Pietro, throw gasoline over them and burn them. Call the popes who came after Pope Pius XII for what they are – modernists, poisoners of the flock, wolves in sheep’s clothing, mercenaries, bad shepherds. Cardinals, bishops and priests who refuse to condemn Vatican II can join the Anglicans, Episcopalians, Methodists, and televangelists, and they can even take their Pachamama idol with them.

Once Vatican II is shredded to pieces, the rest is easy. Dump the Novus Ordo “Mess”, the source of all those clown and guitar masses, the 1970s cheesy music, the altar girls. Into the rubbish heap they all go, like hippie bell bottom-jeans and-tie-dye shirts. What replaces it? The Tridentine Rite, pre-1955.

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Follow the example of Saint Pope Pius X, who said modernists should treated like an enemy in a boxing match. “In a duel, you don’t count or measure the blows, you strike as you can.”

Saint Pope Pius X giving modernists the Clint Eastwood stare

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